Tips for a Great Vocal Performance at Bad Racket Recording Studio

Tips for a Great Vocal Performance at Bad Racket Recording StudioStudio Recording Microphone Podcasts


Vocal Recording Tip #1 Don’t Be wasted

If you’re not trying to sound totally wasted, lay off the booze you lunatic. Liquor is bad for your throat and beer or other carbonated beverages can make you belch and sound like a dumbo. So lay off the bad for your beverages and stick to water tea or something without carbonation or alcohol if you can avoid it. 


Vocal Recording Tip #2

Don’t strain your throat.

Straining is bad for your voice and makes your notes sound thin and, well, strained. Take a break. Take a deep breath, and try to not think about your bad tattoos. Loosen your arms and try to forget that you’re constipated and need a cigarette. Spread your legs apart and raise your arms above your head. Try to forget that you are hungry and your socks are too tight.


Vocal Recording Tip #3

Do a take to get loosened up. The human voice will become looser and more controlled as your vocal chords warm up. Do a take to get out the jitters, and then at least another 2 for good measure before listening back. It’s always ok to do another take and we can listen back for the best performance


Vocal Recording Tip #4

Be well rested, well fed, (but not too much food!) You want to eat something so you aren’t hungry but not stuffed. Warm up your voice and relax your neck. Rotate your pelvis back and forth and tighten and loosen your lips.


Vocal Recording Tip #5 : Necesitas No Fumar

Avoid Smoke or Strong Fumes (No Fumar)

You want to avoid smoking like crazy and being high on gasoline fumes from your leaky piece of crap car. This goes for anything in excess, coffee, cigarettes, even too much water can make you have to take a pee. If you want we can give you a bucket to relieve yourself at Bad Racket Recording Studio


Vocal Recording Tip 6: One More Time

One more take for good measure!

Perfection takes time! Get to know your weak points and get better at not sucking through practice. Repeat the audio engineers mantra, if it’s worth doing once, its worth doing 100 times to run up the bill. Just kidding, but you get the idea. More takes = more perfect ones to choose from. We can add fancy double parts or slide a second one in there or even a third for good measure, why not a fourth or 5th vocal harmony. Lets get stupid.


Vocal Recording Tip 7 : Know your Song

Know your song inside and out. If you need to write it down, do it. Try to use a phone or tablet so you don’t have paper rustling, or memorize your song so you don’t need to. The best songs are well thought out, and have a lot of practice from sometimes years of doing it over and over. Get comfortable with your own material, and become your biggest fan and greatest critic.